!!WARNING!! Hot Mess, hot hot Mess.high data
WARNING!! Uses very high data far above Any Other app, even games & browsers!! google 1.2gb safari 1gb daily game 300mb Treble 4.3 less than month!! Not "offline" EVER unless data off. Ads even offline . No use of app and check back in Days to see missing "coin" Not "free" IN ANY WAY EVER!! VERY Sluggish glitchy at times and VERY VERY hit or miss / get lucky oh nope darn selection of actual usable music. Hours and Hours searching looking attempting and sometimes after hours on just one song you may give up and yet it be there or not Maybe... It however does "work" barely with the songs you get lucky with. Not good on "data use" even though the app is ment for, and billed as a offline option. Coins?? Dont get me started... YOU GOT 500 then it updates showing NOPE only "100" and they "disappear" even when not in use or for many UNEXPLAINED reasons yet they have the NERVE to "ask" you to but "coins" for? "hours of play" for? crazy big $. Ads are high quality aka hd high data using videos and spam adiffic horrific... = Hot Mess
Aaroncdjkd about
Trebel Music - Free Music Downloader, v3.8.2